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Festivity - Christmas in Australia
Christmas in Christmas month December comes in Australia with the warmth of summer and instead of white, snowy scenery. Australia is filled with blue skies and sunshine and intense heat sometimes up to 35 degrees Centigrade and hence Christmas in Australia differs from the Western countries.

Christmas day December 25 falls on the middle of the long summer school holidays. Most Australian schools close for Summer Vacation a week before Christmas for the summer break and recommence after Australia Day on 26 January.

Many families choose their Christmas, out of doors and going to cool tourist destinations. Christmas dinner may be a picnic in the woods or on the beach. Meals mainly centered on the traditional Hams, Turkeys and Plum Pudding. Often these dishes are cooked earlier and served cold. Salads and other summer foods like cold custard, ice cream or cream and fresh fruit, and various versions of the festive ice cream pudding have also become popular in Christmas menu. Carols singing in candlelight and decorate the exterior homes with special lights and celebrate Christmas with friends and neighbors also very popular in Australia.

Most homes have a Christmas tree and many people now having a pine tree growing in a pottery. Father Christmas -Santa- is also the part of the Christmas celebration. Australian shops and homes are decorated with colourful and bright Christmas decorations and giant living Christmas trees and live Father Christmas available for a chat with the children or for a photo.

A Christmas Carols held in Candlelight, where people gather, usually outdoors, to sing carols on Christmas Eve or other evening before Christmas.
Another famous celebration is the Adelaide Christmas Pageant. This parade is the largest of its kind in the world, attracting huge crowds of over 400,000 people. The pageant parade is staged in early November every year, usually on a Saturday morning, marking the start of the Christmas season. It comprises a procession of floats, bands, clowns, dancing groups, and walking performers, all culminating in the arrival of Santa Claus. Special events are held on Bondi Beach in Sydney, often involving a turkey barbecue, and such humorous stunts as a fake Santa dressed in a Santa suit surfing in to appear to the crowd.

The Boxing Day one day after Christmas day is celebrated as in Australia on December 26.The day is to remember an old tradition when employers boxed gifts for their workers on the day after Christmas. On Boxing Day at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, the Australian spend watching the cricket test match and the beginning of the Sydney to Hobart Yacht race on Sydney Harbour some times referred as 'Blue water Classic'.

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