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Festivity - Valentine’s Day - 14th February
Valentine's Day or Saint Valentine's Day is a holiday celebrated all over the world on 14th February. It is a day of love, on which lovers express their love, romance and affection for each other. It is also a day for reaffirming one’s affection stimulated by romance to husband / wife or to boy friend / girl friend or former loves or dear ones and exchanging gifts, Valentine's cards, love notes, candy, flowers, heart shaped confectionery, jewellery, the figure of the winged Cupid and so on to them all in the name -- "From Your Valentine".

Also this is the day to say "I love you". (Make your heart strong enough to hear a ‘NO' for an answer!)


Winged Cupid- ancient Romans considered cupid as the God of love.

Other Valentine's Day symbols are Valentine's Day Roses, Valentine’s Day Hearts, Lovebirds & Doves, Love Knots, Valentines Day Lace and so on.

There are many legends on Valentine's Day. One legend says that Valentine was a priest who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D.

Other story reveals that Valentine may have been killed for attempting to help Christians escape from Roman prisons where Christian believers were often tortured.

Another but popular legend is Valentine actually sent the first 'valentine' greeting himself. While in prison, it is believed that Valentine fell in love with a young girl, Jailor’s daughter and written to her --- "From Your Valentine”.

Legends may be false or true but that is not at all an important matter and what is important is that this day helps and gives us an opportunity to honour the noblest and the purest human expression, LOVE and to celebrate its spirit at its real sense.

Though there is little difference in Valentine’s Day celebration in different countries the spirit and essence of the celebration is same every where.

In Japan ladies and gents celebrate valentine day on different dates. Ladies buy chocolate for men on 14 February. The chocolate “ kiri-choco,” is bought for friends and close relatives and it has no romantic significance. The chocolate “ hon-mei’ is specifically bought for a boy friend, beloved or husband and is a gift ‘sweetened’ by romance. After one month on 14 March, it is the turn of the men to give in return and express their love and affection. It is called the White Day, when men present gifts of white chocolate to all the ladies who remembered them on Valentines Day.

In United States, more importance is given for greeting cards and its design, wordings and the printing techniques are reaching in to new height of novelty every year. American greeting card companies manufacture approximately $300 million worth of Valentines every year. It is estimated that there are 2600 florists nationwide to help both men and women to provide the right flowers to send to loved ones. Valentine's Day dinner and dance parties are organized all over the country. Valentine's Day festival has been commercialized to a great extent in US.

In United Kingdom, as the Valentines Day approaches, all leading magazines will publish sonnets and verses to commemorate St Valentine's Day. In United States and United Kingdom, during 1800 s, the popular expression of 'Wearing one's heart on one's sleeve’ and young men used to write their girlfriend's name on their sleeves.

In India Valentines Day is celebrated mostly by college students and youngsters reside at cities and a recent phenomenon.. Gifting and sending Valentines greetings are the main activity. Recently jewelers introduced Valentine gold ornaments viz. heart shaped pendants, rings, ear rings, studs etc supported by mass advertisement and heavy discounts, popularized Valentines gifting amongst upper class couples.

In China people celebrate Valentine’s Day on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month in the Chinese calendar and is known as Qi Qiao Jie. This day is also called the Begging Festival, Daughter's Festival, Festival of the Double Sevens' or Qi Xi - ‘the Night of Sevens' or Seven Sister's Festival'

Now a days in many countries, Valentine's Day is regarded as festival that celebrates love between individuals and not just lovers or partners. People therefore wish ‘Happy Valentine's Day' to parents, teachers, siblings, friends or any other person who are special to them.

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